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Day One of the AAA National Conference

The future of Australian airports was a key theme of the first day of the AAA National Conference in Brisbane today, with a range of keynotes focusing on the technology that will change our airport experience in years to come.

Hobart Airport Chief Executive Officer Sarah Renner kicked off the day with the keynote at the women in airports breakfast, reflecting on the value of diverse career experiences in building her career.

Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack also attended the event, highlighting the important contribution of the aviation industry to the economy.

Morning sessions were dominated by technology themes, with futurist Dr Hugh Bradlow discussing the potential benefits of new and emerging technologies for airports.

SITA vice president Catherine Mayer imagined a future where holograms may greet arriving passengers, while customer service robots will converse with customers in one of a range of languages.

Senior airport personnel were also strongly represented throughout the day, with Brisbane Airport chief executive officer Gert-Jan de Graaff reflecting on his experiences working at airports across four continents.

Meanwhile, Melbourne Airport chief executive officer Lyell Strambi discussed the importance of a long-term vision and regulatory stability to ensure airports continue to support their city and state.

In his briefing to the industry, CASA chief executive officer Shane Carmody outlined a new national surveillance selection process that has forecast 1032 surveillance activities to be completed over the course of the year.

Day one also featured a dedicated commercial stream, discussing topics ranging from airport retail and ground transport to hotels and property development.

The AAA National Conference continues in Brisbane tomorrow.

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